Pilot Project Ruse (Bulgaria)

Pilot Project Ruse (Bulgaria)

Our Pilot Project was organised with the cooperation of the International Elias Canetti Society in Ruse, North Bulgaria. There, we brought together a team of specialists from the fields of pedagogics, psychology, literature, and art, to work with eight local children…

We started with

The Youth Camp


During the week-long youth camp, held at the historic Canetti House, eight children from schools across Ruse came together to think, interact, and create.

First, the kids got to know each other through a series of games and experiments. Next they wrote their own set of rules, which they promised to follow for the duration of the camp.

As the week went on, the children discussed identity, group dynamics, morals, and what it means to be a role model. They channelled their thoughts and experiences into portraits and stories that shone light on their own personal heroes.  

All throughout the week they were supported and encouraged by our team of professionals, implementing the exercises and art and writing workshops.

Followed by

The Exhibition


This format gave the children a chance to show off their work to parents, friends, and the local community. In some cases, role models came face to face with their own portraits. In many others, the visitors learned about the inspirational lives of people totally new to them.

We also took the opportunity to hold a panel discussion and public forum on the topic of cultural education. Together with our guest speakers – Irena Markova from the Ruse cultural department, Prof. Penka Angelova, and moderator and TV presenter Detelina Kamenova – we discussed the relevance of alternative cultural educational projects in Bulgaria and potential ideas for future initiatives. Parents, teachers, youth workers and cultural agents from both the private and public sector engaged in an informative and productive discussion which will hopefully lead to further collaboration.

All in All

We are proud to have organised a well-received project, covered by national TV, radio, and local newspapers. Most of all, we are proud of the children, who we hope will never stop questioning the world around them.

None of this would have been possible without

Our Project Ruse Team

Coming together from various disciplines and cultural institutions…

Dr. Petja Cheshmedzhieva

Psychological Supervisor

Georgi Passev

Artist and Head of Ruse Puppet Theatre

Iglika Peeva

Writer, Poetess and Journalist


Susi Salieva

Assistant Observer

Stella Obreshkova

Assistant Observer

Eva Gavrilova

Translator and Teacher


Partner Organisations